Does Backlinking Works Better Than Frequent Posting?

SEO Growth

In my search to get better rankings for my dad’s website, I’ve been experimenting with different strategies.

Frequent Posting

Back in December 2010 I decided to post almost everyday to see if posting will improve my rankings. At the beginning of Decemeber the website was at position 126 under “cuentos infantiles“. A month later, google placed it in position 65.

Even though that is an incredible jump in ranking is not within the first page of google. The first position receives about 500,000 searches per month. Frequent posting did improve my ranking significantly but … there is always a but … I will continue later on this post explaining the but.



Basic back linking done for this site was mostly social media linking. I will go to five or six website and bookmark every post during that month after posting frequently. Twitter, facebook, stumbleupon, google buzz, delicious, etc. I didn’t see any big improvemnt. The site went from position 65 to 55. Then, I discovered

For five dollars I placed orders to add my site to different site aggregators and review sites. Also, I place orders to get links from .gov and .edu websotes. Yes !! for five dollars. This was amazing !!

At the end of february the site was in position 31 in google. I was impressed and also started to figure out this SEO thing.

But then, I decided to drop the ball.


Experimenting With Dropping The Ball

Typical engineer, I made a silly decision that I can recover easily from; I decided not to do anything to the website for three weeks. Nothing, nada. Just leave the thing alone. Results ? (… drull roll) google set the site back to position 62 within three weeks.

AAhhhhh !!!


Lesson Learned

In summary I learned this about google SEO.

  • If your competitior are lazy, you are good. Sit back and enjoy the traffic coming in.
  • If your competitor is passioned about what they do. They will post more. The more passioned competitiors the faster you get burried under google results
  • Who wins google SEO ranking battles is the one that post quality and unique content, more frequent than competitors in the niche category and also backlinks constantly to the new content.


My SEO 3 Cents

Not really cents but three take-homes about SEO

  1. Post Frequently – preferibly more than your google #1 position competitor
  2. Create Niche Content – write about what people are actually looking for, not what you think they are looking for
  3. Backlink – Use different techniques. Guest postint, social media, or backlinking services



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