My Father’s Business Logo
3 leaves #1
Leaf, Water and Clean #2
Leaf, House and Clean #3
Sketch (Concept) of a Logo to represent the 2 sides of the business;
Waste Removal and Remodeling
The left side represents the services of waste removal and cleaning services.
The right side represents the services of painting, remodeling and framing
Water and Leaf #4
Drop and Leaf, Clean Window and Painting #5
Circle Clean Window and Painting #6
Drop Hibrid Clean Window and Painting #7
Waster and Remodeling #8
Mountain #9
Mountain #10
Mountain #11
Mountain #12
Mountain #13
Mountain #14
Mountain #15
Mountain #16
Mountain #17
Mountain #18
Mountain #19
Mountain #20
Mountain #21
Mountain #22
Mountain #23
Mountain #24
Mountain #25
Mountain #26
Mountain #27
Mountain #28
Mountain #29
Mountain #30
Mountain #31
Mountain #32
Mountain #33
Mountain #34
Mountain #35
Mountain #36