Utilities Management System

Problem: Management, Administrators, Supervisors need a way
to consistently access data that is been updated by different departments.
The data collects important information related to the Utilities Department essential functions and employees spend a lot of time asking colleagues for document latest versions, contact’s phone numbers, safety and building issues and location of project drawings.

Solution: To effectively manage all of these data and documents
from any console from any department, a comprehensive user interface is necessary to provide point-and-click connectivity and enforce strong access and control.

A good centralized management platform easily provides a solid return on investment in many ways. It lets you control, update, relate, edit and analyze most information required by employees. Also, all information is centralized and backed up every day. The information is maintained by all employees and always reflects the latest changes.

Result: The overall efficiency and productivity of the Utilities
department increased. Any CAD drawing can be found by any revision,
project name, title, draftsmen, manufacturer, etc. All safety and
building work orders are been addressed and account for. All contacts,
manufacturer, vendors, and consultant’s information is up to date
and easily accessible from any department.

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